• Here you can see the current live price of Bitcoin. 
  • The price is shown in USD (US Dollars) and GBP (Great British Pound/Pound Sterling).
  • The charts also show MACD (moving average convergence divergence) and RSI (relative strength index).
  • Please note: These prices are from the CoinMarketCap and TradingView 

What is Bitcoin?


Bitcoin (BTC and XBT) is a digital or virtual currency, often referred to as a cryptocurrency, which operates on a decentralized network called blockchain. It was introduced in a 2008 whitepaper by an individual or group using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto, and the network went live in January 2009. Bitcoin is not governed by a central authority, like a bank or government, making it a unique financial instrument.


Blockchain technology is the backbone of Bitcoin, providing a secure, transparent, and tamper-proof way to record transactions. In the blockchain, transactions are grouped into blocks and connected in a chronological order. Each block contains a unique code called a cryptographic hash, which is generated using the information from the previous block. This chain of blocks forms an immutable ledger of all transactions that have taken place in the network.


Bitcoin operates on a peer-to-peer (P2P) network, meaning transactions occur directly between users without the need for intermediaries like banks. Every transaction is digitally signed using a private cryptographic key, ensuring the authenticity and security of the transaction. Once a transaction is broadcasted to the network, it is verified by the participants (miners) who maintain the blockchain.


Mining is the process of adding new transactions to the blockchain, ensuring the integrity and security of the network. Miners compete to solve complex mathematical problems using their computational power. The first miner to solve the problem gets to add the new block of transactions to the blockchain and is rewarded with newly created Bitcoins and transaction fees. This process is known as Proof-of-Work (PoW) and acts as an incentive for miners to maintain the network.


One of Bitcoin's key features is its finite supply of 21 million coins. This limited supply creates a deflationary effect, making the cryptocurrency a potential hedge against inflation. Bitcoins can be divided into smaller units called satoshis (named after its creator, Satoshi Nakamoto), with the smallest unit being 0.00000001 BTC. Bitcoin has gained popularity over the years for various reasons, including its potential for investment, ease of use in online transactions, and as a way to avoid censorship or restrictions by governments. It has also inspired the creation of numerous other cryptocurrencies, often referred to as altcoins, which have sought to improve upon or provide alternatives to Bitcoin's features and technology.


20 Facts about Bitcoin:

  1. Bitcoin was introduced in a whitepaper by an individual or group using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008.
  2. The Bitcoin network went live on January 3, 2009, with the mining of the genesis block.
  3. Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency that operates on a peer-to-peer network without the need for intermediaries like banks.
  4. The underlying technology behind Bitcoin is called blockchain, which is a distributed ledger of transactions secured by cryptographic algorithms.
  5. Bitcoin mining involves solving complex mathematical problems to add new blocks of transactions to the blockchain, ensuring the network's integrity and security.
  6. The mining process relies on a consensus mechanism called Proof-of-Work (PoW).
  7. Miners are rewarded with newly created Bitcoins and transaction fees for successfully adding a block to the blockchain.
  8. Bitcoin has a finite supply of 21 million coins, creating a deflationary effect.
  9. The smallest unit of Bitcoin is called a satoshi, named after its creator, which is equivalent to 0.00000001 BTC.
  10. Bitcoin's first known commercial transaction occurred on May 22, 2010, when Laszlo Hanyecz purchased two pizzas for 10,000 BTC, now celebrated as "Bitcoin Pizza Day."
  11. Bitcoin's price has experienced significant volatility since its inception, reaching an all-time high of $64,863.10 on April 14, 2021.
  12. Bitcoin is often considered a digital gold due to its scarcity, potential hedge against inflation, and store of value properties.
  13. Bitcoin is considered pseudonymous, meaning that transactions are linked to public addresses rather than directly to users' personal identities.
  14. Wallets are used to store and manage Bitcoin, with various types available, including hardware, software, and web-based wallets.
  15. Bitcoin transactions are irreversible, meaning once a transaction is confirmed on the blockchain, it cannot be undone.
  16. Bitcoin has inspired the creation of thousands of alternative cryptocurrencies, or altcoins, such as Ethereum, Litecoin, and Ripple.
  17. Bitcoin's environmental impact has been a topic of concern due to the energy-intensive nature of the mining process.
  18. The Bitcoin network's scalability limitations have led to the development of off-chain solutions like the Lightning Network to enable faster and cheaper transactions.
  19. Bitcoin has been used in various applications, from online purchases and remittances to donations and tipping.
  20. Despite challenges, Bitcoin remains the largest and most well-known cryptocurrency by market capitalization, with a growing presence in mainstream finance and increased institutional interest.



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